
My therapy services

Therapy for children

Are you worried about your child’s behaviour? Or has your family recently experienced or currently going through a trauma, and you’re concerned about the impact on your child? If so, I can support you.  

Therapy for young adults

Are you finding life difficult to deal with at the moment? Perhaps you’re worried about exams, relationships or the way you look? You can talk to me and together we’ll help you put your feelings into words and help you feel happier with your life.

Clinical supervision

I provide clinical supervision to professionals who work with children and families. These include colleagues who practice psychological therapies, counsellors, social workers, nursing, professionals in education settings and various organisations that work with children and families.

Therapy for mums

Have you just given birth or have a young child? Are you feeling tired, anxious or overwhelmed? These feelings are all normal when you’re a mum, but sometimes they don’t go away and this is when you’ll need support. Let’s work together to find coping strategies and help you live the life you deserve.


Family work

I also work with families who are going through challenges and difficult situations. In a sensitive way, I help family members resolve conflicts and heal together. For example, I can help parents of adolescents understand more about the growth, development and identity issues that teenagers will be going through and explain how this can lead to impulsive behaviour or withdrawal from family life.

Families who have fostered or adopted one or more children can also benefit from my experience and training. I work with your child through play to identify what therapists call their ‘attachment pattern’.

Once I’ve identified your child’s attachment style and their culture and tradition, I’m well placed to connect with and build a trusted and positive relationship with them. As a parent, you’ll be invited to both observe and take part in our play and enjoy seeing your child growing and fulfilling their true potential.

Family work

I also work with families who are going through challenges and difficult situations. In a sensitive way, I help family members resolve conflicts and heal together. For example, I can help parents of adolescents understand more about the growth, development and identity issues that teenagers will be going through and explain how this can lead to impulsive behaviour or withdrawal from family life.

Families who have fostered or adopted one or more children can also benefit from my experience and training. I work with your child through play to identify what therapists call their ‘attachment pattern’.

Once I’ve identified your child’s attachment style and their culture and tradition, I’m well placed to connect with and build a trusted and positive relationship with them. As a parent, you’ll be invited to both observe and take part in our play and enjoy seeing your child growing and fulfilling their true potential.